On-chain sports betting.

Redefining the Game.

On-chain sports betting.

On-chain sports betting.

Redefining the Game.

Decentralized crypto sports betting meets the thrill of daily fantasy sports, powered by the innovation of web3.

Decentralized crypto sports betting meets the thrill of daily fantasy sports, powered by the innovation of web3.

Decentralized Betting

Freedom to Play

Experience true freedom with decentralized betting. No KYC, no personal info. Just connect, play, and enjoy your winnings.

No KYC or personal info required.

Full control of your funds.

87,00 €

82,06 €

95,38 €

Daily Fantasy

Make Your Picks

Choose from listed stat projections, decide whether you think it’ll be more or less, place your bets, and plan your way to victory!

Easiest way to make money on sports.

Make watching games more exciting.

SEND Token

Token Benefits

Holding SEND tokens not only empowers your play but also unlocks exclusive benefits, including a share in platform revenue and enhanced payouts.

Hold SEND or bet with SEND for 3x payouts.

Holders with 50k SEND earn 75% of the platform revenue.

Revenue Share

Earn a share of 75% platform revenue and 1% buy/sell tax.

Bet with SEND

Bigger payouts when you bet with SEND.

Hold More. Earn More

300k+ token holders earn a 3x payout.

Unlock Rewards

More SEND, more exclusive perks.

Decentralize your game, bet with SEND!

Experience the thrill of daily fantasy sports on-chain - you control the play.

Decentralized Betting

Freedom to Play

Experience true freedom with decentralized betting. No KYC, no personal info. Just connect, play, and enjoy your winnings.

No KYC or personal info required.

Full control of your funds.

87,00 €

82,06 €

95,38 €

Daily Fantasy

Make Your Picks

Choose from listed stat projections, decide whether you think it’ll be more or less, place your bets, and plan your way to victory!

Easiest way to make money on sports.

Make watching games more exciting.

SEND Token

Token Benefits

Holding SEND tokens not only empowers your play but also unlocks exclusive benefits, including a share in platform revenue and enhanced payouts.

Hold SEND or bet with SEND for 3x payouts.

Holders with 50k SEND earn 75% of the platform revenue.

Revenue Share

Earn a share of 75% platform revenue and 1% buy/sell tax.

Bet with SEND

Bigger payouts when you bet with SEND.

Hold More. Earn More

300k+ token holders earn a 3x payout.

Unlock Rewards

More SEND, more exclusive perks.

Decentralize your game, bet with SEND!

Experience the thrill of daily fantasy sports on-chain - you control the play.

Decentralized Betting

Freedom to Play

Experience true freedom with decentralized betting. No KYC, no personal info. Just connect, play, and enjoy your winnings.

No KYC or personal info required.

Full control of your funds.

87,00 €

82,06 €

95,38 €

Daily Fantasy

Make Your Picks

Choose from listed stat projections, decide whether you think it’ll be more or less, place your bets, and plan your way to victory!

Easiest way to make money on sports.

Make watching games more exciting.

SEND Token

Token Benefits

Holding SEND tokens not only empowers your play but also unlocks exclusive benefits, including a share in platform revenue and enhanced payouts.

Hold SEND or bet with SEND for 3x payouts.

Holders with 50k SEND earn 75% of the platform revenue.

Revenue Share

Earn a share of 75% platform revenue and 1% buy/sell tax.

Bet with SEND

Bigger payouts when you bet with SEND.

Hold More. Earn More

300k+ token holders earn a 3x payout.

Unlock Rewards

More SEND, more exclusive perks.

Decentralize your game, bet with SEND!

Experience the thrill of daily fantasy sports on-chain - you control the play.


We have a lot in the works. Here's some of what we have in mind. NOTE: This is subject to change.

Add More Sports

Quickly expand into Soccer, MLB, Cricket and Esports, amplifying our user base and market presence.

Chainlink Oracles

Bring all relevant data on-chain, enabling users to set up betting bots and interact directly with smart contracts.

Gamification Features

Boost user engagement, rewarding our top users with discounts, special promos, and better payouts.

Telegram Betting Bot

We aim to simplify the betting process, making it more accessible and allowing users to place bets on the go.

DAO Governance

Sendpicks will evolve into a DAO-governed platform and ensure we foster a strong community.

Fiat Onramps & Email Login

Expand past web3 to reach a broader audience with the addition of Magic email login and fiat onramps.

Audited & Secure

Your security is our priority. With our audited and secure platform, we ensure your play is safe and your data is protected.

Share in the Success!

Share in the Success!

SEND token holders enjoy a portion of the revenue distribution, a way of giving back to our supportive community.